Monday, April 14, 2008

God does it again....

I spent a lot of time this morning with Louise Powell, "Aunt Lou". She is 84 years young and had been diagnosed with Parkinson's and Ovarian Cancer. She has been taking Chemo for the last few months and her doctor scheduled surgery. Today it was done. Aunt Lou went through the pre- surgery events well. She was having a real good day Saturday and Sunday. This morning she was prepared to go to surgery and the staff took her to surgery finally around 10:30. We had prayer there around her bed, her sisters and friends and a couple of the Ladies of Lakeview were there as well. One person there did not want to pray and had even stated afterwards that she did not know why God was brought into this. As I think upon the statement I realized it was very possibly for her this event transpired. I believe God allows some things to happen to us as Christians to show his mercy, grace and sufficiency. I cannot help but to think of Romans Chapter 8. All things work together for good. To them that Love the Lord and are the called according to his purpose. I think back to the blind man where the scribes and pharisees ask the question of Jesus. Who sinned that this man was born blind? Him or his parents? Jesus said neither. It was done for the Glory of God to be seen. As for Aunt Lou, She was in surgery around 3 hours or so. The physicians came and spoke to her daughter, Wanda and told her all went well, he was able to get everything out and the cancer had not spread. One other tidbit of information. Just a few years ago a lady in a Mercedes Benz ran over Aunt Lou as she exited a family dollar store. Aunt Lou had to crawl out from under the Mercedes to the surprise of those who witnessed it. After some time in the Hospital and Rehabilitation she was out and about again. Praising the Lord and checking on her siblings. Praise the Lord and See what the Lord can do. It ain't Odd, It's God.
More later, Pastor T

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