Saturday, May 16, 2009

Do you love me?

Looking at the scripture in John 21, Jesus asked the question to Peter. Do you Love me? The question begs answering from us today. The love he ask for is the same love he has for us. Agape love. a perfect love in all aspects. A love that is greater than we have for anything or anyone else. Peter answered with, you know I love you. The love he answered with was Phileo or Brotherly kind of love. Have you ever wondered what could we accomplish for Christ if we loved him as he asked us to. Our motivation and desires will change when we love him like he ask us to. That love will strenghten us and enable us to get past all the excuses that impede our service, worship and witness for him. When we get past the feelings of our love and get caught up in the realization of HIS love for us then our love grows into that perfect love he wants us to have for us. It is that love that Paul knew was able to strengthen us to great things for Christ.

Jean Hadley knows that very love and soon it will be a realization that will carry her across to that home not built with hands eternal in the heavens.

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