In the movie "Oh Brother Where art thou?" The lead Character's wife was always saying how she wanted a man that was Bonafide.
What is it that makes a minister of the Gospel of Christ, Bonafide?
Is it a College Education, Seminary Training, the prodding of family and friends or is it the call of God on ones life?
There have been many that served as preachers that were Mama called and Daddy sent.
There are those who are attracted to the profession of preaching because of some other desire. I believe that the anointing and call of God in ones life to ministry is the mark of a Bonafide minister.
Having Graduated from Bible College and Seminary I understand the need for a good Bible Based Education and Seminary training, However I know that without the call and anointing of God, it isn't worth the paper it's printed on. I graduated from a Technical High School with a 900 hour certificate in Auto Mechanics. I was trained and taught how to work on Automobiles. I am mechanically inclined and can diagnose and repair just about anything. However, I don't have the proper internal motivation to do auto mechanics. I don't have the patience or the desire to do it right. Kinda like a person that may have the education to be a preacher, pastor, teacher, etc. Without the anointing, gift or drive to do the job, it won't be done properly or full hearted. Maybe that's why there are so many preachers out there that are quiting the ministry. When you have the calling, the anointing of God you come to a realization that it is without repentance. You can do nothing else.
If you do ministry then answer the question. Why do you do it?
Then should it not be done right.
Just a thought!
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