Sunday, April 6, 2008

Who are you trying to be like?

Sunday Morning Worship Time. You know Sunday mornings ought to be a time when we gather together to worship God and celebrate what he is doing in our lives and the lives of others. Today we celebrated Jesus in song and in message as I shared what God laid on my heart in reference to Developing Christian Character. Jesus should be the Character we emulate. Scripture says that God has predestined us to be able to conform to the image of HIS son. It's great to know we can be like Jesus Christ. Sadly, too many times we emulate the world and it's actors. I remember a contemporary song that raised a question. What if Cartoons could get saved? I brought that up in the message today. Some people are like cartoon characters in their daily walk with Christ. People who act like: Yosemite Sam - Something happen in the church that they don't agree with they become the rowdiness, tootiness cowboys you ever seen. Fusing and sometimes cussing. Say's a lot about their character. Then you have the Foghorn Leghorn kind - "Now listen hear boy, ya goin about this all wrong.............." You know the Big Rooster that wants to run it all his way. Road Runners - stay in the road all day, speeding around really never getting anything accomplished but wasting energy. The Spiderman - Superman type. Double minded. One person one minute, another person the next. What is it the Bible says about double minded.. Yeah.. They are unstable in all their ways. We need to be like Jesus. We as born again, saved, faithful believers in Christ have the ability to be like Jesus. But to be like him we have to have a real relationship with him. Do you know Jesus well enough to be like Jesus. Not just know the historical Jesus but the REAL Jesus. How is your relationship with him today? Can you get closer to him so you can be more like him? Just a question! Chew on it awhile. More as time allows. In Christ Service I remain..

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