Saturday, March 29, 2008

Soldier's of the Cross

Writing a new sermon series, "Soldier's of the Cross".

The thought is based on what it takes to become a Soldier of the Cross.

The call to arms: the call, responding to the call, reporting in, surrender to the one who called you, following orders.

Basic Training: the breaking time. Preparation for service.

The Attitude of a Soldier: Key to service is attitude. Your attitude determines your outlook.

Your MOS: Missional Operation Specialty. What is your job as a "Soldier of the Cross"? Training to your MOS.

Your Duty Station: Where you want to serve vs where you are sent.

Honorable vs Dishonorable Service: What is your reasonable service? The Rewards of service.

Medal of Honor winners: examples to follow.

Just random thoughts today... gathering it in as God rakes it out.

Semper Fi

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