Souper Bowl Drive nets over 100 cans of soup and assorted other can goods.
Tuesday Night Study Group enlarges. We are currently watching the Lee Strobel videos on the Case for "Christ", "Faith", "Creation".
Israel Trip getting Closer. Departure Date Feb 20th. I will head off to Atlanta on Friday for the Saturday Flight. Look for the occasional pictures that will pop up on my twitter set as I tour through the Holy Land.
First Semester of Teaching at SVBC is going great. I am teaching advanced Ministry studies. Its weird writing the test instead of taking them.
Saturday night Feb 20 will be our Mystery Dinner night at LBC. Looking for a great evening.
Last Friday we had 4 Salvations and 1 Rededication at our outreach. Great evening. This Fiday night I will not be attending the outreach. Retro Praise from Toccoa Ga. will be playing.
Looking forward to Sunday.... it should be "off the hook"....
Thanks to Jan for the nice card and gift for my trip to Israel.
For my College Students: Wayne Burdette will be taking my classes while I am away in March.
More as time permits..
pastor T