Friday, November 26, 2010


For Christians everyday should be a day of Thanksgiving.
However for most it appears a holiday to be celebrated once.
Because of this there are many who suffer with feelings of loneliness and depression.
Some come to measure the holiday success and failure by how many people comment to them about the holiday or visit.

Charles Stanley once said, "Dead noses can smell no roses." the essence is that we should give flowers to people before they are dead, so they may enjoy them as well. The same is true about Thanksgiving. Be Thankful and show it to people before theHoliday becomes the centerpiece instead of the event.

To be Thankful before God is an everyday event. We should be ever Thankful for what he has done for us. A Thankful Christian is a Praising Christian. When I look around and see very few "Christians" praising, then the reason becomes evident. To Praise you have to be Thankful. No Thanks = No Praise.

Psa 30:11-12 Thou hast turned for me my mourning into dancing: thou hast put off my sackcloth, and girded me with gladness; (12) To the end that my glory may sing praise to thee, and not be silent. O LORD my God, I will give thanks unto thee for ever.

Psa 69:30-31 I will praise the name of God with a song, and will magnify him with thanksgiving. (31) This also shall please the LORD better than an ox or bullock that hath horns and hoofs.

Psa 100:1-5 A Psalm of praise. Make a joyful noise unto the LORD, all ye lands. (2) Serve the LORD with gladness: come before his presence with singing. (3) Know ye that the LORD he is God: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture. (4) Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name. (5) For the LORD is good; his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth to all generations.

1Th 5:18 In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.

Thanks be to God for HIS many blessings.

Thank God for my family...... they are so "special".......

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

election day is here, vote

today is the day to t.ake a stand for biblical standards. Vote for people that will hold high Gods standards.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

There is room for more.... Soldiers Report...

There is room for more.....

Daniel Owens is Baptized. Pray for Daniel as he goes forth in that Newness of Life.........
Freedom Friday Night: Outreach report.

Welcome to James "Toby" Gray to our friday night worship. Toby rededicated his life to Jesus at our outreach event. Sunday morning Toby came and brought Tarsha, his girlfriend with him. Both were back with us Sunday night. Lets encourage them as they get closer to the Lord.

Witness Report: Sunday night, Chuck shared with a lady at the Chinese Restaurant above the church and she will be visiting with us on Wednesday night. I can't even come close to spelling her name. She just arrived from China last week and is looking for a church. She speaks Mandarin Chinese and a little English. Lets welcome her and help her as she comes to learn the Bible and as we help her learn it better through the pages of the Bible.

Soldiers of the Cross Tuesday Night Bible Study: at 7pm. I will not be there as I will be having out patient surgery Wednesday and must prepare for it tuesday night. Brother Gary Welch will be heading up the group meeting on Tuesday.

Homecoming Sunday September 26 at 11am.
We will not have Sunday School.
Rev. Chico Hudson will be our guest speaker.
Luis Alvarado, Group "Totally His" will be at the Worship Service.
Singing Concert at 2pm when all our Singers and Groups will worship in Song.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Freedom Friday - results

We had our second session of Freedom Friday on august 20.

24 people in attendance,

Rev. Chico Hudson brought the message. "throw down your rocks".

Luis Alvarado sang for us.

A hotdog supper afterwards.

Thanks to all who attended, sang and shared.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Great Reads:

Studying the Gospel of John
The following books I have found helpful;
"Has Christianity Failed You?" by Ravi Zacharias
"Transformational Church" Thomas Rainer / Ed Stetzer
"Why Revival Tarries" Ravenhill


Freedom Friday Night Outreach event will be held 7pm July 30 at our Campus.
Jim Krope will be playing for us, open mic time, message from the word and Pizza.

Also we have added a new link to the page. Our friends at Pro Tech Audio have worked hard to get our new portable sound system up and running for Friday night. For all your audio and video church needs, see Rand Bray. Check out their web page.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Keeping the old truck running...

Today was spent working on my 99 dodge 1500. I tried my hand at replaceing the water pump. Something I used to do years ago. After 3 hours of beating a wrench on the fan blade bolt, I put it all together and took it to a shop. $83.00 for parts, $225.00 for labor, plus $16.00 for the wrench I bought for the fan blade nut, and I regained my truck. What a small price to pay for regaining ones sanity. In the words of Danny Glover, I'm gettin to old for this.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Tuesday Bible Study - Charting the end times

We will be looking at eschatology for the next few weeks.

Bible prophecy is a section of study that most people neglect.
Come with us as we look at charting the end times.

Tuesday Nights at 7pm.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Freedom Friday Nights

LBC and Soldiers of the Cross Outreach present:

Freedom Friday Night

July 30th at 7pm




To be held at the LBC Campus at 1431 Old Trail Dr. Anderson, S.C., 29626

Cost : FREE

Time of celebration and sharing with others what Jesus means to you!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Outreach Friday Nights

This Friday night July 9th, LBC will hold an organizational meeting for the Soldiers of the Cross Outreach ministry. 7pm is the time. We will focus on the unchurched people along Highway 24 and will structure this outreach nigh accordingly.

August 14 LBC will hold our Back to School Blast at the LBC Campus Field. More information as the date gets closer.

Current Books I am reading:

90-Day Fitness Challenge - Phil and Amy Parham

Transformational Church - Stetzer / Rainer

Tuesday Night Bible Study just completed Discovering Gods Will DVD Series - Andy Stanley

Pray for J.A. Tripp, departs for Iraq 11th of July, this is his 2nd deployment to Iraq.

Pray for Aunt Lou Powell, Cancer - Last Stage

Special Request: Ministry Opportunity asking God's Direction.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Questions I am pondering...

As some of you know, I have a problem.

I am too short for my weight.

Why do people on a diet find comfort in watching the food network?
Traveling is one way mywife and I relax. As I look at a new design for this blog I am blending my two passions together. Ministry and Travel together to spring forward the cause of Christ. Sit back and enjoy as we go down the road of ministry together.

New ministry forming at LBC. Labor of the Field outreach has now become a new curch start. I am thankful for the chance to help and be involved in this ministry growing into a vibrant fellowship. LBC and Soldiers of the Cross will be starting a new Friday night outreach to be held at out campus on Old Trail Dr. Anderson, SC. Plans are firming up and we will meet in July, date to follow.
Posted by Picasa

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Long time no blog,,,,

Ahh the joys of the computer age.
New notebook computer only 6 months old and the hard drive crashes.
Every paper, sermon series and documents worked on are gone. Photographs lost.
Hours spent on the phone with people across the globe in a foreign land tring to get the problem fixed. Language barrier problems, shipping, receiving..... Frustration.... Disappointment....

Then there is the bright side...

You get to totally reprogram the new one... My son gave me this little wallet sized external hard drive for Christmas. I plugged it in to my computer while I was in Israel just in case I needed more memory for my pictures. When I got my replacement notebook I plugged it into it to see if it was compatable and still working. It was full of my pictures as it had backed up the files automatically when plugged in...

The benefits of saving things........ Hmm.... there may be a sermon in there...

VBS at LBC is over now let the clean up begin.

Saddle Ridge Ranch was the theme of our VBS this year. We had about 35 people participate in VBS. All week we had cowboys and cowgirls, haybales and horsehoes scattered about LBC. Great activities and snacks. Where else can you get haybales and cowpies put on your plate and be excited about eating them. Friday night was family night VBS Graduation complete with the final series of songs and videos ending with a BBQ supper for all. VBS is a very important outreach opportunity. Over 85% of young people who confess Christ today are said to have gotten saved as a result of VBS activities. Thats why it is worth doing and doing well. For most it is the biggest evangelistic thing done all year. It gives you an opportunity to expose folks, who would not normally come to church, to the Gospel. So get your cowboy on and have a VBS before the summer ends.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

More from Israel Trip

A few photos: Bedouin family we met on the Old Jericho Road at the Valley of the Shadow of Death overlook, Beautiful sights and pleasant people. The little boy leading the democrat, was four years old. Already knows to get a dollar for getting his picture made.

Pray for the Peace of Israel
Pray for our leaders in America that they never turn their backs on Israel.
"I will bless them that bless thee..." Gen 12:3

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

New bible study series tuesday nights - discovering God's will 7pm

Can you tell where I am in this photo?

Standing outside the old city

next - underground along the foundation stones the temple mount at this point I am closet to where the Holy of Holies was located,

next- at the western wall praying,

next- emerging from Lazarus' tomb...

Sunday, April 18, 2010

What a great tour in Israel . Top Photo - Sitting on the wall at Ceaseria Martima - Where the Apostle Paul witnessed to Agrippa and began his trip to Rome.

Our Tour Leader Dr. George Cooper and I took advantage of opportunities to minister in word and action at every turn. I had a pinched nerve in my back but that would not stop me from going and absorbing the views and beauty of The Holy Land.

Photo of our Bus at the Beautiful, King Solomon Hotel where we spent our first night. We traveled on a New Mercedes Benz Coach. Abed our Driver and George our guide we wonderful throughout the trip.

From Mt. Carmel at the place where Elijah met and destroyed the Prophets of Baal to the ancient port of Joppa to the Memorial for Jonah and the Whale, what a great trip we had.

(Bottom Photo - Left to Right)

Dr. George Cooper, retired COG pastor and former State Overseer of the South Carolina Churches of God. Dr. Thomas Maxwell, Senior Pastor, Lakeview Baptist Church (SBC) - Professor of Advanced Ministry, Savannah Valley Bible College. Preparing to Board our Lufthansa Flight in Atlanta Ga.

Tour of Israel 2010
Photo at the Mount of Olives in front of the Church of the AgonyPosted by Picasa

Friday, February 19, 2010

Once again to the blog report

Souper Bowl Drive nets over 100 cans of soup and assorted other can goods.

Tuesday Night Study Group enlarges. We are currently watching the Lee Strobel videos on the Case for "Christ", "Faith", "Creation".

Israel Trip getting Closer. Departure Date Feb 20th. I will head off to Atlanta on Friday for the Saturday Flight. Look for the occasional pictures that will pop up on my twitter set as I tour through the Holy Land.

First Semester of Teaching at SVBC is going great. I am teaching advanced Ministry studies. Its weird writing the test instead of taking them.

Saturday night Feb 20 will be our Mystery Dinner night at LBC. Looking for a great evening.

Last Friday we had 4 Salvations and 1 Rededication at our outreach. Great evening. This Fiday night I will not be attending the outreach. Retro Praise from Toccoa Ga. will be playing.

Looking forward to Sunday.... it should be "off the hook"....

Thanks to Jan for the nice card and gift for my trip to Israel.

For my College Students: Wayne Burdette will be taking my classes while I am away in March.

More as time permits..

pastor T

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Great Sunday Services....... Faith Alive series

Well we are back at the blogging again here in 2010.

Our emphasis this year is "Faith Alive"

Preaching from Judges this morning the message was about Gideon, "the reluctant warrior".

Faith was realized, accepted and acted upon and God used 300 to route a multitude giving Israel the victory and God the Glory.

Tonights message was brought from Luke 7, Walking with Jesus, Faith Alive shown in the raising of the widow of nains son. One crowd broken and hurting from the death of a son, the other walking with Jesus in anticipation of a move of God. When faith is exercised great things happen. Jesus moved with compassion and stopped the tears of the widow and raised the dead son back to life. Faith moved to action caused the crowd to give honor to God and Praise him. The witness was spread about as some were moved to fear and others moved to faith.

Emphasis is to believe and put feet to the belief. Put faith in action and people will be drawn to Jesus. Jesus said if I be lifted up I will draw all men to myself.

A new sign has been commissioned for Lakeview. Brother Ed one of our newest members is an artist and will be putting our vision on the new sign. I am excited to see it come to life for our new sign.

Tuesday night Bible study we will gather together for a time of fellowship as we complete the purpose driven life study. It has been a great 6 week of study as we read the book by Rick Warren and watched the video series together. 19 people have participated in this 6 week event. Many who are attendees at Labor of the Field outreach. Thanks to Tony and Ken who transport a van full every Tuesday to our Bible Study. We will gather together in the felowship hall to see the movie, "Facing the Giants". This small group grew from 6 people to the number we see today because people shared their faith in Jesus Christ. Thanks to those faithful witnesses for Jesus Christ.

Souper Bowl 2010. Once again we are having a food drive to benefit our local food pantry. You are encouraged to bring in cans of soup or other non preishable food items on Super Bowl Sunday. I will take the cans and use them to make the Name "Jesus" at the front of the church as you bring in the items. Lets have a giant Jesus in cans at the front for our Souper Bowl drive.

and .... Oh yeah... Go Saints...

more later....

Pastor T

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Updates due in....

Been a while since I blogged last. Heres the updates.
Recieved a Master of Arts in Religious Education and a postion as Instruction of Advanced Ministry Studies at Savannah Valley Bile College. Classes are held on Thursday Nights at 7pm.

Tuesday Night Bible Study is noe located at the Church. We just completed the purpose driven life series and this tuesday night we will gather together to see Facing the Giants.

I am looking forward tommy trip to Israel in March. It is paid for and all I haver to do is show up at the airport with my passport and clothes. Dr. George Cooper is our tour leader. I will be doing some preaching while there on the tour. Several friends and alumni from the bible college will be going as well. 10 days in the Holy Land. I plan on being baptized in the Jordan River, Communion at the Garden of Gethsemane, a float in the dead sea. I will be posting photos from Israel as opportunity presents itself and will have a video made as well.

Labor of the Field and Soldiers of the Cross outreach experience 98 persons come to Christ in 2009. A move to Market St has been completed for the outreach and so far in 2010 there have been 7 salvations so far. Praise the Lord.

God has been so good to us at Lakeview. We have had a great period of Growth. New Members and guest have added to the worship.

Fifth Sunday night singing is coming up. Lakeview, First Perpetual and Macedonia will one again come together to worship Christ in song. Come be with us it all starts at 6pm with a meal to follow.

Sunday School change. Time is 10am start moved from the 9:45 from 2009 year.

more later....

Heres to the Biker Preacher!

Last view of the Beard. I shaved it off and got a flat top.Posted by Picasa