I have posted this chapter in Leviticus along with the Strongs concordance of the Bible Numbers for each word from the Original Language. This concordance was done with the Original Hebrew Language in which the Old Testament was translated from.
Text used is Textus receptus - the recieved text. The Levitical Law was written by Moses as God gave it.
Remember: Jesus said, "Man does not live by bread alone but by every word that proceedeth form the mouth of God." See the Context in this passage - Chapter and Verse.Mat 4:4 (4) ButG1161 heG3588 answeredG611 and said,G2036 It is written,G1125 ManG444 shall notG3756 liveG2198 byG1909 breadG740 alone,G3441 butG235 byG1909 everyG3956 wordG4487 that proceedethG1607 out ofG1223 the mouthG4750 of God.G2316
HIS WORD IS: Inerrant, Infallible, Inspired word of God. Let God be True....
Sola Scriptura -
Abomination came from these words in the Hebrew... See Chapter and verses that follow
Hebrew - תּעב
Pronounced in English tâ‛ab / taw-ab'
A primitive root; to loathe, that is, (morally) detest: - (make to be) abhor (-red), (be, commit more, do) abominable (-y), X utterly.
תּעבה תּועבה
tô‛êbah tô‛êbah
to-ay-baw', to-ay-baw'
Feminine active participle of H8581; properly something disgusting (morally), that is, (as noun) an abhorrence; especially idolatry or (concretely) an idol: - abominable (custom, thing), abomination.Lev 18:1-30
(1) And the LORDH3068 spakeH1696 untoH413 Moses,H4872 saying,H559
(2) SpeakH1696 untoH413 the childrenH1121 of Israel,H3478 and sayH559 untoH413 them, IH589 am the LORDH3068 your God.H430
(3) After the doingsH4639 of the landH776 of Egypt,H4714 whereinH834 ye dwelt,H3427 shall ye notH3808 do:H6213 and after the doingsH4639 of the landH776 of Canaan,H3667 whitherH834 H8033 IH589 bringH935 you, shall ye notH3808 do:H6213 neitherH3808 shall ye walkH1980 in their ordinances.H2708
(4) Ye shall doH6213 (H853) my judgments,H4941 and keepH8104 mine ordinances,H2708 to walkH1980 therein: IH589 am the LORDH3068 your God.H430
(5) Ye shall therefore keepH8104 (H853) my statutes,H2708 and my judgments:H4941 whichH834 if a manH120 do,H6213 he shall liveH2425 in them: IH589 am the LORD.H3068
(6) NoneH3808 H376 H376 of you shall approachH7126 toH413 anyH3605 that is nearH7607 of kinH1320 to him, to uncoverH1540 their nakedness:H6172 IH589 am the LORD.H3068
(7) The nakednessH6172 of thy father,H1 or the nakednessH6172 of thy mother,H517 shalt thou notH3808 uncover:H1540 sheH1931 is thy mother;H517 thou shalt notH3808 uncoverH1540 her nakedness.H6172
(8) The nakednessH6172 of thy father'sH1 wifeH802 shalt thou notH3808 uncover:H1540 itH1931 is thy father'sH1 nakedness.H6172
(9) The nakednessH6172 of thy sister,H269 the daughterH1323 of thy father,H1 orH176 daughterH1323 of thy mother,H517 whether she be bornH4138 at home,H1004 orH176 bornH4138 abroad,H2351 even their nakednessH6172 thou shalt notH3808 uncover.H1540
(10) The nakednessH6172 of thy son'sH1121 daughter,H1323 orH176 of thy daughter'sH1323 daughter,H1323 even their nakednessH6172 thou shalt notH3808 uncover:H1540 forH3588 theirsH2007 is thine own nakedness.H6172
(11) The nakednessH6172 of thy father'sH1 wife'sH802 daughter,H1323 begottenH4138 of thy father,H1 sheH1931 is thy sister,H269 thou shalt notH3808 uncoverH1540 her nakedness.H6172
(12) Thou shalt notH3808 uncoverH1540 the nakednessH6172 of thy father'sH1 sister:H269 sheH1931 is thy father'sH1 near kinswoman.H7607
(13) Thou shalt notH3808 uncoverH1540 the nakednessH6172 of thy mother'sH517 sister:H269 forH3588 sheH1931 is thy mother'sH517 near kinswoman.H7607
(14) Thou shalt notH3808 uncoverH1540 the nakednessH6172 of thy father'sH1 brother,H251 thou shalt notH3808 approachH7126 toH413 his wife:H802 sheH1931 is thine aunt.H1733
(15) Thou shalt notH3808 uncoverH1540 the nakednessH6172 of thy daughter in law:H3618 sheH1931 is thy son'sH1121 wife;H802 thou shalt notH3808 uncoverH1540 her nakedness.H6172
(16) Thou shalt notH3808 uncoverH1540 the nakednessH6172 of thy brother'sH251 wife:H802 itH1931 is thy brother'sH251 nakedness.H6172
(17) Thou shalt notH3808 uncoverH1540 the nakednessH6172 of a womanH802 and her daughter,H1323 neitherH3808 shalt thou takeH3947 (H853) her son'sH1121 daughter,H1323 or her daughter'sH1323 daughter,H1323 to uncoverH1540 her nakedness;H6172 for theyH2007 are her near kinswomen:H7608 itH1931 is wickedness.H2154
(18) NeitherH3808 shalt thou takeH3947 a wifeH802 toH413 her sister,H269 to vexH6887 her, to uncoverH1540 her nakedness,H6172 besideH5921 the other in her lifeH2416 time.
(19) Also thou shalt notH3808 approachH7126 untoH413 a womanH802 to uncoverH1540 her nakedness,H6172 as long as she is put apartH5079 for her uncleanness.H2932
(20) Moreover thou shalt notH3808 lie carnallyH5414 H7903 H2233 withH413 thy neighbour'sH5997 wife,H802 to defileH2930 thyself with her.
(21) And thou shalt notH3808 letH5414 any of thy seedH4480 H2233 pass throughH5674 the fire to Molech,H4432 neitherH3808 shalt thou profaneH2490 (H853) the nameH8034 of thy God:H430 IH589 am the LORD.H3068
(22) Thou shalt notH3808 lieH7901 withH854 mankind,H2145 as withH4904 womankind:H802 itH1931 is abomination.H8441
(23) NeitherH3808 shalt thou lieH5414 H7903 with anyH3605 beastH929 to defileH2930 thyself therewith: neitherH3808 shall any womanH802 standH5975 beforeH6440 a beastH929 to lie downH7250 thereto: itH1931 is confusion.H8397
(24) Defile not ye yourselvesH2930 H408 in anyH3605 of these things:H428 forH3588 in allH3605 theseH428 the nationsH1471 are defiledH2930 whichH834 IH589 cast outH7971 beforeH4480 H6440 you:
(25) And the landH776 is defiled:H2930 therefore I do visitH6485 the iniquityH5771 thereof uponH5921 it, and the landH776 itself vomiteth outH6958 (H853) her inhabitants.H3427
(26) YeH859 shall therefore keepH8104 (H853) my statutesH2708 and my judgments,H4941 and shall notH3808 commitH6213 any of theseH4480 H3605 H428 abominations;H8441 neither any of your own nation,H249 nor any strangerH1616 that sojournethH1481 amongH8432 you:
(27) (ForH3588 (H853) allH3605 theseH411 abominationsH8441 have the menH376 of the landH776 done,H6213 whichH834 were beforeH6440 you, and the landH776 is defiled;)H2930
(28) That the landH776 spue not you outH6958 H3808 (H853) also, when ye defileH2930 it, asH834 it spued outH6958 (H853) the nationsH1471 thatH834 were beforeH6440 you.
(29) ForH3588 whosoeverH3605 H834 shall commitH6213 anyH4480 H3605 of theseH428 abominations,H8441 even the soulsH5315 that commitH6213 them shall be cut offH3772 from amongH4480 H7130 their people.H5971
(30) Therefore shall ye keepH8104 (H853) mine ordinance,H4931 that ye commit notH6213 H1115 any one of these abominable customs,H4480 H2708 H8441 whichH834 were committedH6213 beforeH6440 you, and that ye defile not yourselvesH2930 H3808 therein: IH589 am the LORDH3068 your God.H430
Heaven and Earth shall pass away but God's Word stands forever..
Mat 24:35(35) HeavenG3772 andG2532 earthG1093 shall pass away,G3928 butG1161 myG3450 wordsG3056 shall notG3364 pass away.G3928
Pastor T
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