Happy Fathers Day to my Dad, James E. Maxwell.
and to all the other Dads out there.
Some dads can do anything. Some can't. My Dad could fix cars, build furniture, fish, garden and just about do anything. I received many of those talents.
My sons say I can rig up anything. I learned the hard way how to improvise, adapt and overcome. There are some Dads that can't do those kind of things but are gifted in other ways. I say to you dads today to chose Christ and witness for him for this more valuable.
An old black spiritual has for a line in it the following truth:
"If you can't preach like Peter, If you can't pray like Paul, Just tell the love of Jesus, and say he died for all."
My sermon for Fathers Day is: "Choosy Fathers Chose Jesus" Joshua 24:14-18
The most important message for Dads today to send out is, "For me and my house, we will serve the Lord."
How choosy are you?