Tuesday, November 25, 2008

New Great Neice

Welcome into the family, Brylee......
All snuggled up with her Great Uncle.... Yeah one with her Great Aunt too!

A Rose is a Rose........

A Rose is a Rose. Memories are so valuable and it is so sad to see them fade away. My father in law suffered with Alzheimers for several years. I watched and supported my wife as she endured the wasting away of her dads mental capacities and eventually his death in a veterans nursing home Alzheimers unit. It was brought back to me as I learned of another relative who is afflicted with this desease and her sons experiences as he does what he has to do with professional, family,time and distance issues. Prayer support and help with little chores is great and is needed but there are also times when what is needed is for someone to just shut up and listen.
I hope I can fill the part of shut up and listen if given the opportunity.
If there is one positive to this desease it is the bad memories will fade away just as fast as the pleasant ones do. The memories that last for the patient are the ones experienced in the present. My Brother I am here for you.

The Cake said it all. A suprise combination Pastor Appreciation and Birthday Party for the pastor. A lot of good food and great fellowship.

Thanks to all the folks who pitched in to make this event special.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Election Day Now Past.....

It now becomes our duty to pray for the President Elect.
Congradulations to our first President Elect with African roots.
We should also pray for our Nation as it begins this new chapter in it's history.
One Prayer is for Godly Values and Morals to be revived in this country.
It is evident that people voted for their pocketbooks instead of Godly Morals, Values or for Leadership experience. As a nation America will reap what she sows.
This election has gotten people involved in the process but at what price?
The definition of family will be challenged heavily now with a democratic congress, senate and president who will have no one to slow down the liberal agenda. Jodie Hyce made a statement that it will not take long for all the forward progress made in the last eight years to be wiped out. Referring to stopping and slowing the Liberal democrat homosexual driven agendas in redefining what is a marriage and what makes up a family. I remind you that the Bible says that SIN is a reproach against any people. As Christians we need to stand firmer and united against any threat to redefine these. I pray for President elect Barak Obama and for Vice President elect Joe Biden, that God will move in their hearts and bring true repentance and change in theme on Abortion, Gay lifestyles and changing what is biblically defined as a family. Only then can we move on and be able to say once again. "God Bless America" until true repentance comes can change take place. Until then it is more of the same. I am reminded of what a communist leader said. Communism will take over America and not a shot will be fired. Socialism is a step in that direction.
God forgive America for putting your values second to their pocketbooks and sinful agendas.