Saturday, June 20, 2009

Happy Fathers Day 2009

Happy Fathers Day to my Dad, James E. Maxwell.
and to all the other Dads out there.

Some dads can do anything. Some can't. My Dad could fix cars, build furniture, fish, garden and just about do anything. I received many of those talents.
My sons say I can rig up anything. I learned the hard way how to improvise, adapt and overcome. There are some Dads that can't do those kind of things but are gifted in other ways. I say to you dads today to chose Christ and witness for him for this more valuable.

An old black spiritual has for a line in it the following truth:
"If you can't preach like Peter, If you can't pray like Paul, Just tell the love of Jesus, and say he died for all."

My sermon for Fathers Day is: "Choosy Fathers Chose Jesus" Joshua 24:14-18
The most important message for Dads today to send out is, "For me and my house, we will serve the Lord."

How choosy are you?

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Day three on the Boomerang Express..

Bible lesson on Peters denial of Christ.
I was drafted into teaching the teenage class tonight. We discussed Jesus' discussion with Simon about his upcoming denial.
How Jesus told him that Satan desired to sift him as wheat. That he had prayed to the Father that when he returned to him that he be strengthened and go to the others.
Peter failed the test and denied Christ but returned to him with a repentant heart and God strengthened him. God used Peter even after he failed because he repented. God can use us even though we fail him at times if we repent of our failing and turn to him. The experience will strengthen us and be used by God to draw others to Christ.

Monday, June 15, 2009

All Aboard the Boomerang Express

VBS started off with a bang on Sunday night. Thanks to the effort of our church family. Sets were created and the sanctuary changed into a train depot including a steam locomotive. Thanks to Scott and Cindy for putting in contact with Mark Darwish and friends at Electrolux who graciously made the donation of cardboard boxes which were used to create the sets. Also Mr. & Mrs. Stamps for getting us into the warehouse and helping with the loading of the boxes.Engineering the displays was a group effort. A steam locomotive, ticket booth, light poles, False wall boards, signage and even a kangaroo. The place looks great. Come join us as we explore Australia and Israel during the "Boomerang Express" It all comes back to Jesus.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Revival services went well......

Services went through Friday night but I lost my voice. 1 week with Tab Scarborough and I am sounding like him. Great services.. Thanks to to Willie for the awesome work on the sound system and for all those who came out to worship with us. Little is much when God is in it. The meeting at the meeting which was held at Lou and Perry's:) was one of the greatest portion of the fellowship. We were able to share Christ and share with a few people who were around us listening to the good news of Jesus Christ. Thanks Pastor Scarborough for inviting me to come and preach this week revival. Friday Nights Labor of the Field and Soldiers of the Cross will be back on my schedule starting this week. I won't be able to sing or preach this week but I will be there to share my support and speak one on one as God opens the doors. Saturday 8a.m., brothers meet at LBC to start the great train project. Blueprints are in. We will once again improvise adapt and overcome each challenge facing us as we endeavor to change LBC sanctuary into a train station. Standby for the Boomerang Express. All Aboard....

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Praise the Lord for the Revival fire flowing. Message last night: The Reality of Revival. We must experience real Revival from God. Not the fake show kind.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009